ImageWorsener Demos Part 1

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Demos of: reducing image size, blur, grayscale, posterize, dither, etc.

All these images are based on a 1000×1000-pixel source image.

-h 120 -filter mix

Resized from 1000×1000 to 120×120 using pixel mixing.

-h 80 -filter mix
-h 50 -filter mix
-h 10 -filter mix
-h 2 -filter mix

IW handles this 250,000× size reduction correctly.

-h 120 -filter nearest

Nearest-neighbor resizing. Not recommended.

-h 120 -filter hermite

A Hermite filter.

-h 120 -filter mitchell

A Mitchell filter.

-h 120 -filter lanczos

A 3-lobed lanczos filter.

-h 120 -filter lanczos8

An 8-lobed lanczos filter. This has some nice theoretical properties, bit it gives poor results with any real-world image that has sharp edges.

-h 120 -filter gaussian

A gaussian filter. This is too blurry for most purposes.

-h 120 -filter gaussian -blur 4.0

Gaussian blur. A gaussian filter is a natural filter to use for blurring. Certain other filters such as bspline and hermite also give good results. Filters that take negative values, such lanczos and mitchell, may give poor results when used for blurring.

-h 120 -filter gaussian -blurx 4.0

Blurred only in the horizontal direction.

-h 120 -filter gaussian -blury 4.0

Blurred only in the vertical direction.

-h 120 -grayscale

Convert to grayscale.

-h 120 -grayscale -nogamma -grayscaleformula c

Suboptimal grayscale conversion as done by many applications. Some of the bright colors are too dark.

-h 120 -offsetrb 5.0

Channel offset.

-h 120 -cc 2

Posterize to 8 colors.

-h 120 -cc 4

Posterize to 64 colors.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither f

Floyd-Steinberg dithering to an 8-color color cube.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither f -nogamma

Dithering with incorrect gamma correction. This makes the image too light.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither sierra

Sierra dither.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither o

An ordered dither.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither halftone

A halftone dither.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither r

Random dithering, using different thresholds for each channel.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither r2

Random dithering, using the same thresholds for all channels.

-h 120 -cc 3 -dither f

3 color levels per channel (27 colors).

-h 120 -cc 6 -dither f

6 color levels per channel (216 colors).

-h 120 -ccred 2 -ditherred f

Dither only the red channel.

-h 120 -ccgreen 2 -dithergreen f

Dither only the green channel.

-h 120 -ccblue 2 -ditherblue f

Dither only the blue channel.

-h 120 -ccred 2 -ccgreen 2 -ditherred f -dithergreen o

Dither the red channel with Floyd-Steinberg dithering, and the green channel with ordered dithering.

-h 120 -cc 2 -dither f -grayscale

A bilevel (black and white; 2-color) image.

-h 120 -cc 4 -dither f -grayscale -cs linear

Grayscale with 4 gray levels, using a linear colorspace.

-h 120 -cc 4 -dither f -grayscale

Grayscale with 4 gray levels, using a default colorspace (approx. gamma=2.2). A different set of 4 gray levels are available than in the previous image. IW knows which levels are available, and takes that into account.

-h 120 -cc 4 -dither f -grayscale -cs gamma3.5

Grayscale with 4 gray levels, using a gamma=3.5 colorspace. A different set of 4 gray levels are available than in the previous image two images.

-h 120 -w 65
Squished horizontally.
-h 120 -crop 400,600,400,400